According to the February 1994 issue of Focus on the Family; America became known as #1 in violent crime, divorce, teenage pregnancies in the Western world, voluntary abortions, illegal drug use and illiteracy among industrial nations. Consider the following:
1. Did you used to lock your doors and windows before leaving home? 2. How many of your friend’s parents were divorced? 3. Did children know who fathered them and also have their mom and dad at home? 4. Did you recite the Pledge of Allegiance in public school plus have prayer, Bible reading and a respect for your teachers? 5. Did your public school have uniformed police presence, metal detectors, a discipline problem and a drug problem? 6. When you came home from school was your mother there preparing family dinner? 7. Was your father the main “bread winner?” 8. How sexually explicit was TV and why did “married” couples on TV still have two beds? 9. Were stores open 24 hours and on Sundays? 10. How many people did you know that lived together before marriage? 11. Was gay marriage even part of our culture? 12. Were child sex offender lists the norm? 13. Where there casinos in your state and did you have a state lottery? 14. Did you basically have a trust in government officials? 15. If of immigrant parents, were you raised you to speak English and be an American first? 16. Did you know what the word terrorist meant?